Key Stage Two includes Years 3 to 6. Learning during this phase reflects the Cambridge Primary International Curriculum framework; teaching standards are similar to those prevalent in a quality learning environment.
Alongside this, pupils study the non-core subjects which include History, Geography, Modern Foreign Languages (French & German), Computing, Design & Technology (DT), Computing (ICT), Music, Physical Education (PE), and Citizenship.
We follow the statutory curriculum of the Ministry of Education for Arabic, Islamic Education and Arabic Social Studies. Pupils make significant academic, personal and social development on their journey from Years 3 to 6.
They build the skills required to be resilient, resourceful, and reflective learners. We encourage our pupils to take risks to become increasingly independent and self-confident while recognising their developing responsibility to show a greater awareness of the people and world around them.
We ensure the pupils have a 'voice' and can meaningfully contribute to the development of the school. Regular assessment of Cambridge objectives is an integral part of the day and ensures every pupil received challenging learning at a level appropriate to their determined ability. Year 6 pupils take Cambridge International Checkpoint Diagnostic Tests in English, Maths and Science.
that every child is precious and blessed with their own gifts and talents. We work hard to encourage and support each child to discover where their strengths lie with Respect, Tolerance, Inclusion, and Excellence.