Foundation Stage Curriculum

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
Foundation Stage 1 (FS1), Foundation Stage 2 (FS2)   

Curriculum / Foundation Stage

Learning is a lifelong journey. The FS programme encourages all pupils to become independent, confident learners while focusing on developing our youngest pupils as inquirers through a play-based learning environment.

Our teachers of Foundation Stage FSI and FS2, embrace the role of nurturing facilitators, following the pupils in their interests whilst developing skills and knowledge that will help them be successful learners.

Our curriculum, based on the Cambridge International Curriculum (CIE), is broad and balanced to ensure all areas of learning are covered utilising skills set out in the development matters document and the knowledge and skills outlined in the early learning goals framework. Both development documents and our programmes of learning are embracing their principles, lead our learners into the Cambridge International Curriculum (CIE) for Primary (Year One through to Year Six).

Ongoing assessments and observations inform teachers of areas to focus on for future planning of teaching and learning experiences and allow them to monitor pupils’ attainment and progress.


Need to learn more about other stages Curriculum?

Foundation Stage

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We Believe

that every child is precious and blessed with their own gifts and talents. We work hard to encourage and support each child to discover where their strengths lie with Respect, Tolerance, Inclusion, and Excellence.

Contact Info

2 El Nakhil Compound, 1st Settlement, New Cairo,
Cairo, Egypt - 11865.
